Thursday, July 8, 2010
McKenzie Jayden is HERE!!! June 30th
Well sorry it has taken so long! It has been kind of crazy here. McKenzie was born on June 30th 2010 by inducement. We went in at 7 in the morning and they had meds hooked up and my water broken by 7:35am. Things went a lot faster then what the nurse and I thought they would. I was having lower back pain and they checked me and I was 8 already and so I rolled to my side to get Kyle to help with the back pain during contractions and another nurse checked me not five mins later and said I was 10 and ready to have the baby! I had to wait for a doctor to get there because my doctor wasn't there and wouldn't make it in time, the doctor that was going to deliver me was doing a c-section and so another doctor had to be found. So I had to wait through about five contractions before the doctor got there. The doctor got there and not even three pushes later McKenzie Jayden Matus was born at 12:09! We are so excited to have her here and healthy! We got to leave the hospital the next day with her and go home, which was so nice. Meme stayed until I came home to help out with the boys and my parents stayed until Sunday morning early. It was sad to see them both go, but we really needed the help and are very thankful to have had them all here! McKenzie is doing good. She has been on the lights and was just taken off of them and doing fine. Both the boys had to do it too, so we were pretty sure she would have to also. The lights aren't bad, it is all the run around that we have to do to get her blood tested every day. It is so hard to watch them do that to your kids. Well McKenzie was 7 pounds even and 19 inches long. She has black hair which is kind of funny since the boys all had light hair. She is so tiny and doesn't even fit into her clothes that we have for her. lol. Even the newborn clothes that we have for her are big! lol. We feel so blessed to have her here at last and that she is healthy! Here are some pictures of her.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Last Sonogram June 22, 2010
Had my last sonogram today! Baby looks great everything is ready to go. They think baby is about 6 lbs and 10 ozs right now which would probably put her about 8 1/2 lbs if she stayed in there till my EDD. So she will be about as big as her brothers. I was hoping she would be a little smaller since she is a girl, but I guess not. From the sonogram she looks like she has chunky chunky cheeks and a lot of hair, so I can't wait to see if they are right or not! The boys had hair but not very much, so it would be kind of different to have a baby with hair! Kaleb had a little bit of chunky cheeks but I think from the looks of it, she might have even Kaleb beat! lol. Can't wait to meet her! I hope she comes next week instead of making me wait till my EDD. We will see though. It is all on when she wants to come I am sure. I go to the OB doctor tomorrow and was hoping she would induce me, but I doubt it now. We will just have to wait and see though.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
McKenzie Jayden's Finished Nursery!!!
Well I finished McKenzie's nursery today! So excited that it is done at last! I got the house cleaned up some what but hope to clean up more and put stuff away before McKenzie gets here. I also want to get some more scrap booking done of the boys before she gets here too. I am so far behind on their photos. Well we have 7 weeks or less until she gets here. I am 33 weeks and 2 days almost 3 days. lol. The count down begins. This pregnancy has really gone by so fast though. I have had a lot of problems with morning sickness, Placenta Previa and with blood sugar, but it is all well worth it. We are so excited for her to get here! I am going to miss being pregnant though since this will be my last pregnancy. It is really sad in a way because I do enjoy being pregnant even with all the problems. It is so wonderful to have a new little baby come into our lives as well. So I am going to miss this all, even though it has been so hard too. My next doctor's appointment is Tuesday the 8th and then at 36 weeks they should do another sonogram to see if McKenzie is head down and the what her size is about. I will post pictures of it when I can if the sonogram pictures turn out ok. Can't wait to see you McKenzie Jayden Matus!!!!!!
The swing will move to the living room and the car seat will be in the car when it gets closer, so it is kind of a mess right now.
Just finished her letters tonight
Don't look at all the bags and stuff for the Hospital! lol
Saturday, April 10, 2010
One of McKenzie's Take Home Outfits
Well I found the outfit that I want to bring McKenzie home in. Oh btw, we picked out a name for our daughter. lol. We plan on naming her McKenzie Jayden Matus. We are very excited for her to get here. I have been trying to pick out her outfit for coming home in and had one picked out that a good friend got me. I am still taking it to the hospital with me because the outfit I found might be too big for her and depending on the weather too. Well I wanted something really girly since we are having a girl and we have done the cowboys outfit on Kaleb and then the blues and browns on Joshua which have all be really boyish, so it is time for the pink and girly stuff now! lol. Well I found a little bodysuit and then they also have a little dress and I couldn't pick which one so I got them both. I think I am going to bring her home in the bodysuit though and they also had a cute little matching head band and little booties, so I got them for her too! I am attaching pictures of her little outfit. I am so excited for her to get here, but I am trying to enjoy the pregnancy too, since this is our last one. It is going by so fast anyway, so I don't want to rush it anymore then it already is. I can't believe I am going to be 26 weeks on Monday! She seems to be doing well though and I haven't heard back from the doctor on my blood sugar test, so I guess that came out fine too. Well here are the pictures of the outfit and then of the dress. I will write more when we hear more news on McKenzie or something else happens in the family.
Also Kyle made the E-7 list on his first look! He has been in the Army for seven years now this month and we are very proud and excited for him! I plan on having Kyle a BBQ party the month he gets promoted so you all are invited! Congradulations Baby!!!!
Also Kyle made the E-7 list on his first look! He has been in the Army for seven years now this month and we are very proud and excited for him! I plan on having Kyle a BBQ party the month he gets promoted so you all are invited! Congradulations Baby!!!!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Baby Girl's Nursery
Well, I would have liked to put her name up there, but Kyle and I are still thinking about a couple of names. We have got it down to three names I think, but with so many good girl names out there, we are having a hard time picking! lol. Anyway, I am almost finished with her room. I need to hang up her blanket on the wall above her crib and then paint and hang her name above the changing station and it will pretty much be done. I hope to get the blanket hung before Kyle leaves for school so that will at least be done and maybe we can really decide upon a name before he leaves too. I think we have it pretty much nailed down but who knows. I thought we had it nailed down when I went to MO, but we changed it again! lol. Here are the pictures of her room though so far. I have another doctor's appointment on Wednesday but just a normal appointment pretty much. I do have to do the blood sugar test though, which I am not looking forward to at all! Oh well, it is part of it I guess. I just hope I pass, so I don't have to do the three hour one!
Kyle and I just got back from South Padre Island and had a lot of fun! We took the boys down there for a family Wellness weekend. They had classes for us to go to on Saturday while the boys were in Childcare and then we got out about 1pm so we could go do some family stuff. We went to the beach and we went and saw some sea turtles that have be rescued. Joshua and Kaleb loved it. Joshua didn't want to leave the sea turtles though and was crying in the car for them! We got Kaleb and Joshua and little sea turtle of their own and they haven't stopped playing with them since! I forgot my camera again so the pictures didn't come out the best on my cell phone, but at least I took some.
It has been a long couple of weeks since I just got back from MO and then we had a 9 hour drive to South Padre. The house is a mess and I need to get it cleaned up before Kyle is gone, but I have tons of projects to keep me busy while he is away. I hope to redo Joshua's room and repaint his crib and dresser. I also want to repaint the coffee table so it matches the rest of the living room better. So between taking down wall paper and repainting Joshua's whole room and then the coffee table, I think I am pretty much set on staying busy! Not to mention the two boys that will be taking up all my time with Kyle gone. It will be a good time to get it all done though, so that way I can spend time with Kyle and the boys before the new baby comes.
Kyle and I just got back from South Padre Island and had a lot of fun! We took the boys down there for a family Wellness weekend. They had classes for us to go to on Saturday while the boys were in Childcare and then we got out about 1pm so we could go do some family stuff. We went to the beach and we went and saw some sea turtles that have be rescued. Joshua and Kaleb loved it. Joshua didn't want to leave the sea turtles though and was crying in the car for them! We got Kaleb and Joshua and little sea turtle of their own and they haven't stopped playing with them since! I forgot my camera again so the pictures didn't come out the best on my cell phone, but at least I took some.
It has been a long couple of weeks since I just got back from MO and then we had a 9 hour drive to South Padre. The house is a mess and I need to get it cleaned up before Kyle is gone, but I have tons of projects to keep me busy while he is away. I hope to redo Joshua's room and repaint his crib and dresser. I also want to repaint the coffee table so it matches the rest of the living room better. So between taking down wall paper and repainting Joshua's whole room and then the coffee table, I think I am pretty much set on staying busy! Not to mention the two boys that will be taking up all my time with Kyle gone. It will be a good time to get it all done though, so that way I can spend time with Kyle and the boys before the new baby comes.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
It's a GIRL!!!!
Well we had our March 1st sonogram and it is a girl! We are so excited and ready to start planning for our next little one to be here. She looked great in the sonogram and doesn't seem to have any problems. She was 12 ounces and they said that is normal for being 20 weeks. So far, she isn't a big baby like the boys. We got some of the stuff we wanted for her while it was still available, since it was low in stock. The colors of her nursery are a dark brown/light pink and a creamy white. I hope to be able to start getting the nursery set up. Right now it has bins in it from the boys that are no longer needed and boxes and spare room stuff that we will be moving into the toy room so we still have a space for visitors to sleep. Very excited though and I am ready to start shopping for the little one. No names yet. I hope soon though. Kyle is so worried I am going to go over board, but he is the one that went shopping already for her! lol. So we will see. lol. I am leaving for MO for a little over a week on the 12th and very excited to go. It will be the last time I get to go up there until after the baby is born. I don't get out of school till very end of May and don't think it would be a good idea to go in June even though I am not due till the 19th of July. Can't wait to see family and friends though! I hope to do a little baby shopping while up there too! Yeah!!!! Bring on the pink and the cute little bows and tights! Here are her sonogram photos from last time.
Baby's face
Shot of the girly parts. I can't see it, but I'm used to seeing boy parts not girl parts.
Kaleb made a call to God on his play phone the Friday before I had my last sonogram and he has been asking for a sister way before Kyle and I even started trying to have another baby. I told him that he would have to ask God for a sister because mommy and daddy had no control over if we had a brother or a sister. So Friday he got his phone and said he had to call God. He asked God if mommy was going to have a brother or sister and then yelled, "Yes, God said I'm going to have a sister!" lol. So I guess he took it to heart when I told him to ask God. So Thank you God for our little blessing and thank you Kaleb for putting in a call to God for a sister!!! lol.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Registries (If it is a girl)
We really have tons of boy stuff, so if it is a girl, we are going to need so much stuff. I am keeping what I can from the boys but it is all very boyish. I went through it yesterday so if we are having a girl and find out for sure, I can have a garage sale. We have some white undershirts and that is about it and the boys had a pack-n-play that is green that will work just fine too. Other then that we have nothing yet for this baby and won't be buying anything until we know for sure. I have been looking online though and picked out a nursery set and also some girl things that we will need/want if we do have a girl. I thought I would post my registries on my blog though so family/friends can see it if they want to as well. When we know for sure, I will post the sex. Major thing we are going to need is clothes! Like I said, we only have undershirts. Just thought it would be an easy way to put the registries out there for anyone that would want to know. (has mostly the nursery set) (has a bassinet) (has the same bassinet but sometimes cheaper and free shipping)
All of these places should be under my name or Kyle's name. I can't wait to shop if it is a girl. If it is a boy we really don't need anything. Maybe just some clothes because of the clothes going through two boys a lot are stained up. Good thing I am working if it is a girl! lol. (has mostly the nursery set) (has a bassinet) (has the same bassinet but sometimes cheaper and free shipping)
All of these places should be under my name or Kyle's name. I can't wait to shop if it is a girl. If it is a boy we really don't need anything. Maybe just some clothes because of the clothes going through two boys a lot are stained up. Good thing I am working if it is a girl! lol.
Feb 1st Sonogram 65% chance it's a girl
The boys, Kyle and I went to my sonogram hoping to see what the sex is of the baby along with how the placenta previa is doing. Well the doctor told me that the placenta previa is gone!!! I am so happy that we don't have to worry so much about the baby and that I don't have to have a C-Section! Baby's heart beat sounded good too. Baby was moving around like crazy though and would not hold still long enough to give a for sure answer, but the doctor said that he thinks it's a girl, but only a 65% chance. They tried for a while but the baby did not like the sonogram or something because he/she would not hold still! lol. So either we have a very active baby or it just doesn't like being messed with. lol. Here are some pictures from the sonogram. We also got a DVD and have to go back on March 1st for another try to see and for measurements. We didn't get to have a DVD from Kaleb's or Joshua's sonograms, so this is so nice! They said they would just add too the DVD when they do the next one, so bring it back. I am excited to hear that we might be having a girl, but I am trying not to get too excited since it is only 65% right now.
Monday, January 25, 2010
December 15, 2009 Sonogram
These are the December 15, 2009 Sonogram photos. They were checking to make sure baby was ok and what my EDD was. I am right on track for my due date. Just got to wait to see if the placenta previa goes away.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Setting up Blog
Well, I have been meaning to start a blog for a long time now but haven't done it. So here it is! I hope to post pictures of the family and of the newest member of the family that will be here July 19! I don't know what I am doing with this yet, but I hope to figure it out as I go. It might take a while though. lol. My next sonogram will be Feb 1st and my next doctor's apt will be Feb 3rd and I will update my blog as soon as possible. I also hope to get our new printer in since mine broke sometime next week and will post the old sonogram photos when it comes in. Hope you enjoy.
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