Monday, March 29, 2010

Baby Girl's Nursery

Well, I would have liked to put her name up there, but Kyle and I are still thinking about a couple of names.  We have got it down to three names I think, but with so many good girl names out there, we are having a hard time picking! lol.  Anyway, I am almost finished with her room.  I need to hang up her blanket on the wall above her crib and then paint and hang her name above the changing station and it will pretty much be done.  I hope to get the blanket hung before Kyle leaves for school so that will at least be done and maybe we can really decide upon a name before he leaves too.  I think we have it pretty much nailed down but who knows.  I thought we had it nailed down when I went to MO, but we changed it again! lol.  Here are the pictures of her room though so far.  I have another doctor's appointment on Wednesday but just a normal appointment pretty much.  I do have to do the blood sugar test though, which I am not looking forward to at all!  Oh well, it is part of it I guess.  I just hope I pass, so I don't have to do the three hour one! 

Kyle and I just got back from South Padre Island and had a lot of fun!  We took the boys down there for a family Wellness weekend.  They had classes for us to go to on Saturday while the boys were in Childcare and then we got out about 1pm so we could go do some family stuff.  We went to the beach and we went and saw some sea turtles that have be rescued.  Joshua and Kaleb loved it.  Joshua didn't want to leave the sea turtles though and was crying in the car for them!  We got Kaleb and Joshua and little sea turtle of their own and they haven't stopped playing with them since!  I forgot my camera again so the pictures didn't come out the best on my cell phone, but at least I took some. 

It has been a long couple of weeks since I just got back from MO and then we had a 9 hour drive to South Padre.  The house is a mess and I need to get it cleaned up before Kyle is gone, but I have tons of projects to keep me busy while he is away.  I hope to redo Joshua's room and repaint his crib and dresser.  I also want to repaint the coffee table so it matches the rest of the living room better.  So between taking down wall paper and repainting Joshua's whole room and then the coffee table, I think I am pretty much set on staying busy!  Not to mention the two boys that will be taking up all my time with Kyle gone.  It will be a good time to get it all done though, so that way I can spend time with Kyle and the boys before the new baby comes. 

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

It's a GIRL!!!!

Well we had our March 1st sonogram and it is a girl!  We are so excited and ready to start planning for our next little one to be here. She looked great in the sonogram and doesn't seem to have any problems.  She was 12 ounces and they said that is normal for being 20 weeks.  So far, she isn't a big baby like the boys.  We got some of the stuff we wanted for her while it was still available, since it was low in stock.  The colors of her nursery are a dark brown/light pink and a creamy white.  I hope to be able to start getting the nursery set up.  Right now it has bins in it from the boys that are no longer needed and boxes and spare room stuff that we will be moving into the toy room so we still have a space for visitors to sleep.  Very excited though and I am ready to start shopping for the little one.  No names yet.  I hope soon though.  Kyle is so worried I am going to go over board, but he is the one that went shopping already for her! lol.  So we will see. lol.  I am leaving for MO for a little over a week on the 12th and very excited to go.  It will be the last time I get to go up there until after the baby is born.  I don't get out of school till very end of May and don't think it would be a good idea to go in June even though I am not due till the 19th of July.  Can't wait to see family and friends though!  I hope to do a little baby shopping while up there too!  Yeah!!!!  Bring on the pink and the cute little bows and tights!  Here are her sonogram photos from last time.

Baby's face

Shot of the girly parts.  I can't see it, but I'm used to seeing boy parts not girl parts.

Kaleb made a call to God on his play phone the Friday before I had my last sonogram and he has been asking for a sister way before Kyle and I even started trying to have another baby.  I told him that he would have to ask God for a sister because mommy and daddy had no control over if we had a brother or a sister.  So Friday he got his phone and said he had to call God.  He asked God if mommy was going to have a brother or sister and then yelled, "Yes, God said I'm going to have a sister!"  lol.  So I guess he took it to heart when I told him to ask God.  So Thank you God for our little blessing and thank you Kaleb for putting in a call to God for a sister!!!  lol.